Tag: collaboration

What the Stars Saw on the Prairie

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” — Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) from The Rest is Noise When my paternal grandmother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in December 2005, I had recently moved to Chicago and was unable to travel… Continue Reading “What the Stars Saw on the Prairie”

Winter Songs & Carols: The Art of Collaboration

For our 2016 collaborating artist, Ellie Harold, winter is often a season of inner discovery. With the weather outside inhospitable for her paints and canvas, where else might an artist turn but inward?

Winter Songs & Carols: The Art of Collaboration

You don’t have to look very hard to find folks in Northern Michigan who are proud to live and work here. The area is teeming with artists of all sorts — drawn here for the sense of community, the easy-to-find solitude, and of course… Continue Reading “Winter Songs & Carols: The Art of Collaboration”